Humble Beginnings

Hen Scratch Quilting began as a fascination with Featherweight sewing machines.
Janet Locey has been an avid quilter and quilt instructor for several years, when John, her husband began to take an interest in the hobby. They began collecting
these fantastic antique sewing machines, and soon the house began to fill. John began repairing and selling Featherweights while Janet hatched the publication side of the business with her first quilt pattern, "Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket". The supply "Store" started while Janet was teaching for Gavilan Community College. She stocked a suitcase with fat quarters and quilting supplies
for her students.
Although the inventory has grown significantly, the suitcase of quilting supplies still travels several times per year to the St. Francis Retreat Center in San Juan Bautista, CA. Janet has been hosting Quilter's Getaways to Asilomar and St. Francis since 1999 providing fellowship and inspiration to quilters of all levels.
Janet is a member of two quilt guilds, Pajaro Valley Quilt Association of Santa Cruz and Gavilan Quilt Association in Hollister, along with several small quilt groups.
Janet continues to teach for local quilt shops specializing in machine appliqué and free-motion machine embroidery.
Hen Scratch Quilting is located in the hills of California's central coast ten miles from the nearest town.
Surrounded by wineries they enjoy country living with their dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, and a small herd of goats and sheep.
Our very own Bell Hill unscented goat milk lotion placed number 1 in the 2011 Bath and Body Care Competition sponsored by the American Dairy Goat Assn in Grand Rapids, Michigan.